Message from the Head of School
Welcome to the ASF Web Site,
As you visit our web site, I hope that you will find what I have already experienced as ASF’s new head of school: a teaching and learning environment populated by smart, creative, and dedicated faculty and staff, who are committed to supporting our students to become the best version of themselves, prepared for whatever might lie ahead, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and qualities of character that will allow them to be successful regardless of the paths they ultimately choose to follow.
As a Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 community, we have an exceptional opportunity to work with students and their families over many years, building the lasting relationships that are at the heart of the school’s strength and vitality.
Our core values of Justice, Understanding and Truth provide the foundation upon which we work to fulfill our mission of being “an inclusive and diverse community, offering an international, academically rigorous, university-preparatory curriculum based upon the best of American independent education. In all aspects of life, we strive to be at our best: we love learning, live purposefully, and are empathetic, responsible, contributing citizens in an increasingly interconnected world.”
As you consider schools where your child will best be served, keep in mind that the best school will be the one that welcomes you warmly and at each level prepares your child for the exciting opportunities that lie in their future.
Con mis saludos estimados,
Kolia O'Connor
Head of School
ASF Sneak Peek
The American School Foundation, A.C. is located in Bondojito 215, Colonia Las Américas, Delegación Álvaro Obregón in Mexico City. Next to Centro Médico ABC Observatorio.